Friday, March 13, 2009

mongrel means a lot of things . A dog that is a lot of mixed breeds. or any mixed breeds. A cross breed of any living thing. A animal that is been mixed by breed or any other thing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

obstain I think that obstain means when you control your self. when you do something that you restrict your self from is obstain. when you grow up you are going to obstain your self from a lot of things. obstain means when you restrict your self from doing things. many people when they are in jail are restricted from many privligaes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

penurious means....... what does it mean. i think it means when you are really stingy. when you are sting you don't want to share. i want  to change that way of thinking. i don't want to be stingy when i grow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.
Quandary is the state of unsuranty.  analogy of the day means the word of the day. it can mean many different words. It depends in what case are you using it. Many people use it for many different cases. 

Monday, March 9, 2009