Thursday, January 29, 2009

1. Today in tech connect I average 20 words per minute and I think tomorrow I will average 23 words per minute my goal for the end of the year is 75 words per minute and it will help me type faster in the future 

1.It can help us on rags to riches because it is showing you how you can make a difference on peoples life 2. By showing us not to be wasting food that you don't like you should save it and give it to people who need food 3. It teaches you what people go trough when they don't have food or when they don't have money to afford the food and give it to they're sons or daughters 4.We should be thankful for the things that we have some people don't even appreciate what they have 5.We should not tell people that we don't know because they might not have food and then we make them struggle at school to 6. We should be happy for what we have because some people don't have what we have.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To day in tech connect  I average 19 words per minute I am in lesson 3
Reviewing  for the rags and riches can help me in the way                                                                          1. we will help the people who need the food                                                                                              2. as we type we are donating for the people                                                                                               3. we start of as poor people and at the end we are rich people                                                                4. you are learning many definition's as you are donating rice                                                                5. you are showing that you car for someone that does not have food or can not afford it

Monday, January 26, 2009

1.The way typing can help me in the future is by ........                                                                                 2.Many people can  be fast talkers so in that way i have to be fast at typing.                                           3.Sometimes you are going to be in a hurry and you need to be fast at typing to get the things done.                                                                         4.Sometimes in life you need to type fast because of emergency's and you might not have a phone so you need to be able to send a message to the local police.                                                                     
Today in  tech  class I'm going
to learn how to type fast 1.  the way it can help me is if one day I work in the bank i need to type. is the way you type you may need to be very fast because of your job                 3. is because of how some people talk you need to type as they talk and you talk to them                  4. is when you go to  school you  need to LEARN to type fast to pass your class                                    5. when you go to COLLEGE you have to sometimes have to take the class in order to get what you want