Thursday, February 19, 2009

I think that proficient can help me by helping me type faster;
In that way I could pay attention to the customer and type at the same time
I could become a publisher.
I could get higher chances in typing
It can help me by typing faster
I could be a fast typer in the world record book

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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It can help me by typing faster. 
I would qualify for a better job.
I would be able to teach people (children) who need to learn to type faster in school or class.
It would help because people now in days need fast typer's.
I think you need to buy a computer so you could learn how to type fast.
It can help a lot of people you don't need a computer you just need a key board.

Monday, February 16, 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing
You might not know your teachers e-mail address so you can send it to your friend
you might have to do a power point with you friend
I need to be able to know how to work a computer
When you are going to have to do a bubble share on line
You have to know what are you dealing with
I might need to use bubble share with the teacher